Excellent service at West View Baptist Church this morning. We began with the Thanksgiving video from Pastor Dwayne Burks. Jonny Hyde did a great job leading worship, aided by Amanda, Roy and Pastor Tim Hyde. Jonny introduced some new ways to think about worship and prayer including placing a candle on a map of the world to pray for issues and people in different countries. He also got folks to use a stone to symbolise an issue to pray for and then place the stone in a bowl of water as a way to demonstrate asking God to take away troubles. Tim provided the word today which rang true with people from Luke 1, with Mary’s belief in the message she was given and the relevance to the issues and struggles people face today. We learnt that this Song of Mary was known as the Magnificant, one of the oldest Christian hymn traditions.
A small group of us, Penny, Terry, Amanda, and Stella, led by Tim also went on to sing hymns and share the same message in a brief way with the residents of Sheraton Court. It is always a real pleasure to sing to the residents and to see how much they enjoy the old traditional songs we bring to them.