Kumi Community Fund
Elspeth Robinson, a retired physiotherapist, set up the Kumi Community Fund. The fund pays for staff, based at Kumi Hospital in Uganda, to identify and provide therapy and aids such as walking frames and wheelchairs for disabled children like the 12 year old boy pictured. Eslpeth visits twice a year for 6 weeks at a time and oversees the work.
Members of West View Baptist Church send gifts for children and everyday essentials like soap and raise funds to support Elspeth’s work, which includes:
Rehabilitation, Education
Income generating projects, Microcredit schemes
Sustainable agriculture projects
Fuel saving initiatives
We also support the work of Interplast UK , which runs two-week long surgical missions in countries such as Uganda, India and Pakistan. Medical staff are all volunteers.
They take their own medical supplies and work along-side local staff. This work alleviates the pain, disfigurement and disability caused by cleft lip/palate, burns and other conditions. Church members send toys for children and gifts for patients and staff.