You are very welcome and we look forward to meeting you. Join us on a Sunday at 10:30am, which is our main weekly meeting. If that seems a little scary the pop along to our Wednesday@The Well event which is a chance to meet people and share food and hobbies and have a chat.
There will also be other events and meetings you can get involved in and dig a little deeper into who we are and what we are about.
Whether you are already following Jesus or are interested in finding out more about Christianity, whether you are not sure what you believe or you are looking for a new community – you’re welcome.
How to Find us
We are located in West View on Miers Avenue opposite the West View Resource Centre. Get directions. If you come by car, there are usually plenty of places to park on Miers Avenue outside the church.
What Happens on Sunday?
Sunday at 10:30am is the regular weekly time when everybody who belongs to our community gets together. The service starts at 10:30 and is usually finished by 12, but people always stick around to chat over a tea or coffee, biscuits and cakes though if you need to rush off that’s fine too.
It is very much a family all-age event, and so we will spend some time singing, praying, sharing all together. Then later in the service there is opportunity for children and young people to go and be part of Young Church where they learn about bible stories and do some fun things together for their own age groups. There will usually be a time where we learn from the Bible about faith and life. This is usually led by someone from the church, or sometimes a visiting speaker. If you’re not sure what’s happening just ask someone. They will be happy to explain.
Taking Part in Communion
Once a month we celebrate Communion together, usually the first Sunday each month. This is something that most churches do in different ways and is based on the meal that Jesus shared with his disciples. Sometimes it is called Eucharist, or The Lord’s Supper or Mass.
In our church we take a piece of bread and a small cup of fruit juice to help us remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us and invite him to be part of our ongoing lives. Everybody who wants to is invited to take part, including the children. But equally, if you don’t feel comfortable with taking part, people are free to remain and decline when offered the bread or juice. Again if you’re a little puzzled ask someone near you to explain.
Why A Baptist Church?
We are part of a family of churches in the UK called Baptist Churches and so belong to the the network of churches that are part of the Baptist Union of Great Britain. We share some common beliefs and ways of doing things with our wider baptist family. If you have any questions about anything just ask, and we’ll try and explain.
What is Baptism?
As you might guess, baptism is something that is important in a Baptist church. Though actually, most churches from other traditions practice Baptism too. In our church Baptism is something that happens at different times in the faith journeys of people.
We don’t baptise infants, and instead see baptism as something that people decide to do when they are old enough to express their faith in their own way. It is often one of the first things that people will do when they become a Christian and is in response to the example of Jesus who was himself baptised. It is a very special and significant event for people.
If you would like to learn more about baptism or would like to be baptised yourself, please get in touch with one of our leaders.
Still got more questions?
Please get in touch using our contact us form, come to church on Sundays and ask questions, or get in touch via our Facebook page :