Sunday Worship
Sunday at 10:30am is the regular weekly time when everybody who belongs to our community gets together. The service starts at 10:30 (ish) and is usually finished by 12, but people always stick around to chat over a tea or coffee, though if you can’t stop and you need to rush off that’s fine too.
You will be welcomed at the door and people are very friendly and will introduce themselves. It is very much a family all-age event, and so we will spend some time singing, praying, sharing all together. Then later in the service there is opportunity for children and young people to go and be part of Young Church where they learn about bible stories and do some fun things together for their own age groups. There will usually be a time where we learn from the Bible about faith and life. This is usually led by someone from the church, or sometimes a visiting speaker. Visiting children are all welcome to take part in Young Church activities if they want.
Taking Part in Communion
Once a month we celebrate Communion together, usually the first Sunday each month. This is something that most churches do in different ways and is based on the meal that Jesus shared with his disciples.
In our church we take a piece of bread and a small cup of fruit juice to help us remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us and invite him to be part of our ongoing lives. Everybody who wants to is invited to take part, including the children. But equally, if you don’t feel comfortable with taking part, people are free to remain and decline when offered the bread or juice.
If you join us on a Sunday feel free to ask the people around you if you’re not sure about what may be going on.
If you have an issue you’d like us to pray about let us know, either by simply telling one of the leaders or by filling in a prayer card and popping it in the box at the back of church. If you’ve got a favourite song you can also fill in a card to request we play or sing it.