There all sorts of ways you can begin to find your way amongst our community. We suggest you start by coming along on a Sunday at 10:30am and begin to get to know us. Alternatively you could try our Wednesday@The Well sessions. You are welcome to get involved as much or as little as you wish.
For those who have decided to make West View Baptist Church their home there are some specific ways in which you can share in the life of the church. None of these are mandatory, but they are all part of living in and belonging to a community of faith.
Worship on Sundays
As most churches do, we join all together once a week to worship. This is time when we are able to learn more about God together and to celebrate God’s presence in our lives.
Being Part of a Small Group
There are several small groups that meet during the week, where you can connect with others. These are usually held in someone’s home and are a great way to make friends and explore questions of life and faith.
Getting Involved in a Team
You can also find ways to serve others and join a team where you can share your gifts and interests. It is a great way to grow in faith knowing that you are doing your bit in the church family and for the mission God has given us. Whether it is serving in the kitchen, helping with maintaining the building and grounds, welcoming visitors, teaching and sharing with the young people, running the sound and visuals desk or as part of the worship team, there are lots of ways you can get involved.
International work
Despite the fact we’re a small local church we are involved in supporting a number of projects around the world. Individual members are actively involved in either volunteering for or supporting the work of a number of international projects.
Praying for Others
We encourage you to make a habit of praying for others in our church community and for the different activities of the church. Suggestions for prayer can often be found in the weekly notice sheet. Others will always be praying for you. If you need prayer, ask one of the team or fill in a prayer request card and post it in the white box at the back of church. We also have a prayer group who meet at the church at 7:30 pm on Wednesdays.
As a visitor there is no need for you to feel that you need to put something in our offering bowl. Our regular congregation members often give a regular proportion of their income to the church and the work that we support. This can be through our weekly offering, or set up a standing order from your bank account. The church is self supporting, receiving no income apart from that given by the congregation. As a church we also collectively support the work of a number of organisations working to bring aid in other parts of the world.