Ian was a one man band and led the service and brought the word. He spoke on John 11 1-45.
He reminded us that God is never too late, God’s timing is alwayds perfect. He is always on time.
Hopefully we see who we should be in God with the things we do done for God’s glory and not for our glory or personal power,
“Lord, the One you love is sick.” We’re all hopefully aware of and remember the Mary and Martha story. They and their brother Lazarus were friends of Jesus, They were a family that He stayed with, who made Him welcome. They lived in Bethany, about two miles away from Jerusalem in an area known for alms houses, This is the only Gospel where Lazarus makes an appearance. Lazarus means one who God has helped.
The disciples are puzzled that Jesus isn’t rushing to see his good friend, then they are puzzled that Jesus says Lazurus is sleeping, Only when He tells them plainly that Lazarus is dead do they get some idea as to what He refers to, But they still don’t get what Jesus is doing.
“Let us all go along with the Teacher so that we may die with him”. Thomas doesn’t know it but he is being prophetic here. Martha and Mary both come out to meet Jesus. Martha tells Him that if He had been there, Lazarus would not have died, Martha is practical but also more of a theologian that we might have realised. She knows that her brother will rise again in God’s kingdom but didn’t get who Jesus was . Jesus need to remind her that He has power over death, Mary also says something similar…”If You had been here….”
But we already know that Jesus did not have to be there to heal. Remember the story of the centurion. Jesus healed without being in the same place. Do we think about what Jesus can do for us? Do we make the same mistake? I want Jesus to do what I want Jesus to do!!! Rather than “Here I am Lord, I am your servant, What do you want me to do.”
This is the last miracle in John’s gospel before the death and resurrection. The place where we see Jesus both fully human and fully divine, Jewish mourning for the first few days is very emotional, crying, wailing, tearing clothes and pouring ashes over their heads, Talmudic beliefs seemto suggest the spirit would not leave the body for three days.
Jesus was only a day away. Jesus waited deliberately. He wanted people to expect decay, death smells and corruption of Lazarus’s body. He needed his disciples to witness his power over death, Returning to Judea was not safe, the Jews wanted to kill Jesus, The disciples wanted to be safe. They still did not get the power that Jesus had, He had to say plainly he was the resurrection and the life. When Thomas said what he had, he was fully expecting that they were all going to die there and then. He did not know that Jesus knew most of them would die eventually for believing in him.
Jesus time is perfect, Martha warned there would be a bad odour after 72 hours in the tomb.
Do you realise that Jesus was that powerful he had to name Lazarus specifically. “Lazarus come out!” If he’d simply said come out, Lazarus would not have been the only one obeying! .When Mary came will all the Jewish people they had their questions answered, He healed the blind man for the glory of God, the same applied to the raising of Lazarus. Not everyone sees and believes though. Some only saw that if Jesus continued they would all be in danger, Caiaphas utters prophetic words here “You do not realise that it is better for one man to die than the whole nation perish.
So much is going on in this passage it is difficult to do it justice in one Sunday message, We see God glorified, we see the compassion of Jesus , fully human ” Jesus wept” . He knows Lazarus will be coming out of the grave. Jesus not only conquers death, He is in control of it. His Name is Power!
He creates new life for those who trust in Him. We forget sometimes what He has done for us. He is there in the lows and the highs. He is the Cornerstone, life over death, bringing life to the poor. Do you believe? Are you who you should be in Christ this morning?