We’ve had a busy couple of days. On Sunday we held our Nativity in the church. We used the material from the Bible Society entitled The Greatest Journey. The materials available meant we had a scripted power point presentation and some books to give out to the kids. We built our stable and manger inside the church and some of our younger members (eventually) dressed up and took part. All the adults and kids took part in the actions that accompanied the story and a great time was had by all. The cakes, cuppas and more cakes were an added bonus.

On Monday a small band of singers, Stella, Matty, Brenda, John, Lynn, Esther and Terry with Tim on the flute sang and played for the two care homes nearest our church. In West View Lodge we sang half a dozen carols to a small audience of staff and residents. We then went on to Sheraton Court and did five short sessions of carols across the three floors of the home. It was a real privilege to be able to sing for the residents and staff and they really seemed to appreciate the singing and the friendship we brought to them. I think all our volunteers were out of voice and breath by the end. Huge thanks to the staff and residents for the welcome we received.