Following our Nativity we took the opportunity to spruce up our carpets. 9 months of Filling Station with all the spills, drops and splashes combined with the cakes, biscuits and other cumbly goodies meant our nearly new carpet had taken a bit of a battering. Big thanks to Michael Richardson and his company for all their work.
Tim’s theme today was to explore the idea of the Christingle, the symbolism behind each element of the Christingle, and getting the younger members of the congregation running around the church testing out their ideas. We updated our Christingles to use glow sticks rather than candles. It certainly gave it the unique West View angle on a traditional idea. The orange represents the world, the candle (or glowstick) represents Jesus Christ as the light of the world, the red ribbon around the centre of orange represents the blood of Christ and four skewers with fruit (or sweets) represents the fruits of the earth and the four seasons. Many thanks to Josh for remembering that Terry couldn’t leave the sound and visuals desk and making him a Christingle so he would not be left out.