UPDATE: We have set up a page for info about our online gatherings here.
Following the advice from Public Health England and The Baptist Union, we have taken the very difficult decision to suspend meetings at West View Baptist Church until further notice.
This applies to Sunday services and Filling Station, as well as all church midweek activities and small groups.
We will need to find new ways of continuing to function as a church and of supporting one another during this time. We may be able to explore ways of achieving some of this online in order to comply with the need for social distancing, but we recognise this may not be possible for some. Please continue to care and look out for each other at this time.
More information and details of how we might connect online will follow.
We encourage any members of the church family who feel ill, have to self-isolate, need help or are feeling at all worried or anxious, to call one of the leaders or use the contact page, so that we can find ways of offering appropriate support during this time.
with our love and prayers at this difficult time,