Amanda Jonny and ian led today and Tim brought the word.
We’re in advent and the readings often bounce between the old and new testament
Tim brought us the word from Zephaniah 4 14:20 and Like 3 7:end
Zephaniah and John the Baptist have slightly different messages. Tim told us that the 3rd Sunday in advent is joy or happy Sunday. He made us smile remembering remember Tola who used to greet all with that lovely expression “Happy Sunday”.
The passage in chapter 3 of Luke is uncomfortable. John didn’t go to preaching class, for effect Tim shouted you broad of vipers and suggested he might change his style int the new year. This doesn’t feel very Christmassy, remember when you were at school and the teacher left the room, chaos ensued! Always one by the door to warn teacher is returning.
John is doing the same here! Gods coming and he’s urging is to change our behaviours.
Love god and love your neighbour. Mica6 has the same message.
John the Baptist message is tough and people realise and coming to be baptised. But God demands a change of heart rather than just a ritual
What shall we do? Run for cover god’s coming. Repentance means a change of heart, a concern for others around them. If you see someone in need meet that need! In a world where the minority have the world’s majority of resources in our hand we need to act justly, in our workplaces and in our lives. We should make a difference wherever we are in the world.
God does not want us to be religious he wants us to reflects our beliefs in our whole lives. It’s difficult as we live bound by sin! The prophets had so many restarts so many fails.
God is coming what shall we do. John points to the one who is coming will give you the means to do it. He hurls up the beaten grain to drive away the light chaff and have the wheat remain.
It’s s purification process. We are refined and purged through the Holy Spirit. But what will the fire burn up? If only it were all so simple, insidious deeds, line cuts right to the heart.
Who can claim to be all wheat and no chaff?
The Holy Spirit cleans us from inside
Santa is supposed to knows whose been naughty according to the song but what an awful song. Christmas is about Jesus coming as him and dwelling amongst us to carry out one immense act to save us.
Rejoice says Zephaniah God has come.
Each of us needs a personal relationship with god, a change of heart, we carry the scars of failure we struggle to get it right. You can draw on the presence of the Holy Spirit. We need to let god in, to help our shivering hungry neighbour.
Advent takes back to the prophets of the old testament who tell the coming of Christ. Let us rejoice and be the people he wants us to be.