ON May 26 Mark led worship and Yvette brought us the Word.
Jesus is the son incarnate. The early church towards the end of the first century was being split by bickering and difference. This passage is in the midst of a lot going on, Judas’ betrayal , Peter’s denial. This is the final discourse. Judas (the other one) is asking why Jesus is showing this to us, he’s asking why aren’t you doing things our way. Why only the few disciples and not to everyone.
Jesus’s answer seems odd, not really an answer as such. Since Pentecost the gospel has gone out to the whole world. But not all of the world see it this way only those who love him want to spend time with him. The word obey is a strong one. It’s a verse that can make you feel uncomfortable. We’re aware we get it wrong. But Jesus doesn’t give up he gives us a little prod to sort out our messiness. We don’t stop loving our kids if the don’t do what we’re told. Thankfully god is the same. We’re not in a master slave relationship . Jesus only did what his father told him and we should be the same. Remember it’s not about doing, but being.
We know of we’ve grieved the Holy Spirit. Paracletos is about being called. Jesus teaches us about God, he gives us the words when we don’t have any . We trust him because he loves us. We become part of his family. God has chosen to come and make his home in us. Those who don’t love him simply don’t get the peace and the ability that come from him, our guide our counsellor. Shalom or peace is more than just the absence of conflict. It’s about wellness, completeness. We know him on a personal level. We get his peace when we leave our worries with him. God is bigger than even our biggest problem. Jesus knows death can’t hold him Satan can’t beat him, he’s going to leave them. The disciples don’t get this , how can Jesus be leaving? We’ve probably all blamed God when sometimes things don’t go our way when someone dies. But believers like my mum , are with her best friend, Jesus.
Without Jesus leaving the Holy Spirit wouldn’t come and we would not have Jesus as our intercessor.